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Bury Me Under the Blue Star
Bury Me Under the Blue Star
Theatrical poster to Bury Me Under the Blue Star
Director Yu Hyun-mok
Producer U Gi-dong
Planner Choi Keum-dong
Screenplay Choi Keum-dong
Art director Chung Woo-taek
Music Han Sang-ki
Cinematographer Sim Jae-heung
Editor Ree Kyoung-ja
Lighting Lee Han-chan
Production studio Seki Trading
Released April 24, 1965
Debut theatre Academy
IMDb profile
KMDb profile

Bury Me Under the Blue Star or Let Me Rest under the Blue Starlight (푸른 별아래 잠들게 하라 - Puleun byeolalae jamdeulge hala) is a 1965 film directed by Yu Hyun-mok.[1]


A college student prepares a report on education which angers corrupt government officials with gangland connections. Unable to publish the report, he leaves it in the care of his girlfriend while he goes into military service. Upon finishing his service he learns that gangsters have stolen the report. He fights the gang, and is sentenced to death for killing several.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "푸른 별아래 잠들게 하라" (in Korean). Korean Movie Database. Retrieved 2011-07-21.